If you watched last night's Britney: For the Record hoping to get any insight into what caused America's reigning pop princess to jump all aboard the Crazy Train, you were sorely disappointed. Much like Brit Brit herself, the 90-minute documentary was full of flash but short on substance. The doc opened telling us no question would go unanswered. This would be impressive had some tough questions actually been asked but alas, they were not. In what was supposed to be a no-limits, candid interview, Britney was handled with kid gloves without really having to explain her rationale behind actions like dashing into a random salon and shaving her head, shedding her clothes in full view of the paparazzi and jumping into the ocean in her underwear, losing custody of her children, dating a douchebag member of the paparazzi...the list goes on. Instead, Britney just repeats several times how she was going through a tough time and how she's made mistakes. Watching and listening to her is like watching and listening to a confused 17-year-old girl, not a woman of 27 who is the mother of two children. If there was ever a cautionary tale for greedy parents thinking pimping out their child to stardom, this is it.
With her new album dropping tomorrow and a string of public appearances and performances on her schedule, everyone keeps talking about this big Britney comeback but one wonders if she really is ready. It was less than a year ago that a batshit crazy Britney was being strapped to a gurney and forcibly taken to a psychiatric ward. And if last night's doc is any indication, Britney doesn't seem to truly understand herself and what drove her to such depths of insanity. What doesn't help is that it doesn't seem like anyone in Britney's camp, her family included, truly has her best interests at heart. Everyone seems too invested in getting back the moneymaking machine that was the old Britney. The crazy bitch could probably benefit from a couple years out of the spotlight, living out of LA, in intense therapy and trying to be a true mother to her children, not cranking out another album and being trotted out for public consumption. Of course there's no money to be made from that.
On a side note, how fucking frightening was Madonna in last night's doc? Jesus Christ on a Christmas Cross woman! Bitch was botoxed within an inch of her life not to mention those cheek implants! She looked more like the crazy cat lady Jocelyn Wildenstein than Madonna. There's something to be said for growing old with some grace. Plastic surgery doesn't make you look younger, it just makes you look like you've had plastic surgery. Seriously Madge, stop. Just.Stop.
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