Over the last two months I've received several inquiries from people asking why I haven't been blogging. I've had people asking if I'm dead, passed out in a ditch somewhere in a vodka haze with my panties around my ankles or if I'm just a stupid, lazy bitch. I didn't realize I had such followers! And while all of those guesses have a modicum of truth to them, the real reason is this....

Fuuuuck, right?
As you can see, due to an accident about which I'd rather not talk (the emotions are still raw like sushi) my screen was more busted than Britney's weave, Tori Spelling's face and Paris Hilton's vagina. Bitch was down and out in Beverly Hills! But not unlike a scorching case of herpes, you can't keep a Dirty Blonde away for too long. To quote Elton John, the bitch is back!! My computer screen is fixed. Fuck yeah! Now let's get back to being dirty, shall we?
P.S. Thanks to Weichi and Meghan for this...
Amazing! Loves it.
I was just about to inquire myself. About fuckn' time!!
Welcome back!
So great to have you back. It was such a long summer without any DB postings. I actually had to do work at work.
my life is complete again.
you being back is like a punch in the face, or a big cut. in the good way of course :)
Bibbity Bobbity, I bid you good blogging! Fairies in tutus really do grant wishes! Glad to see that you are out of your pin hole.
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