Take your laptop into the bathroom to read this because this shit is going to make you want to vomit everything you've ever eaten or even thought about eating....Philadelphia Eagles QB, convicted felon, torturer of animals and all around hemorrhoid on the ass of society, Michael Vick is getting his own reality show! America, the beautiful!
Vick, as you'll recall, served 18 months, aka NOT ENOUGH TIME, in prison for operating a dogfighting ring. Since completing his sentence, which was likely akin to a stay at a country club, this scum signed a 1.3 million dollar contract with an option for next year worth 5.2 million. Who says crime doesn't pay, kids? As long as you can throw a fucking football or sing an R&B song, you can cut your ex wife's throat, beat the fuck out of your girlfriend or torture innocent animals and still laugh your ass all the way to the bank while thousands of hard-working, law-abiding chumps struggle paycheck to paycheck. Awesome!
The 8-part Michael Vick Project will air on BET sometime next year. A rep from the network says; “Michael Vick’s story is about second chances, and we are excited to have the opportunity to tell his complete story." Uh huh. Too bad many of the dogs he heartlessly tortured will not get that same second chance. But oh well, right? They're just animals, they don't count. The monster himself says the reasoning behind doing the series is he wanted to show, “the ugly results of my decisions.” Oh reeaaaally. Personally, I'd rather those ugly results involved him getting brutally ass raped within an inch of his miserable life while his balls are locked in a vise rather than him cashing million dollar checks. Speaking of ugly results, if you really want to see the ugly results of dogfighting, click on the link below and then tell me this Vick business isn't some fucked up shit. The image below is disturbing, to say the least.
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