Remember Alyssa Milano?
Back in the halcyon days of Who's The Boss, I used to think she was soooo cool. Back then, my mom told me my parents almost named me Samantha and I HATED them so much for not following through with that because it would have meant I had the same first name as Samantha Micelli. Yeah, I'm over that now.
Apparenly Ms. Milano is a now published author, here she is with her new book Safe at Home. The title sounds like a really bad Lifetime movie. Those movies always have THE most horrendously cheesy titles, don't they? My favourite is one starring Tori Spelling. If that wasn't bad enough, the title was Mother, May I Sleep with Danger? Fo reals! That was the actual title! If I ever form a band, I'm calling us Mother May I Sleep With Danger. Don't go stealing that, I'll find your ass!
Anyway, Samantha Micelli's book is apparently about her lifelong love of baseball, which makes sense since her dad Tony played for the Arizona Cardinals before becoming Angela Bower's housekeeper.
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