Hook me up with some espresso intravenous-style today because I am one tired old whore this morning. My ass had to stay up late to catch Justin Timberlake on the first episode of Jimmy Fallon's new late night talk show.
Did you watch it? Did you stay up late too?
For me, it was totes worth it because while he was talkin' it up on the Jimmy Fallon talk show, JT offered up several jizz.in.my.pants moments.

After JT presented Jimmy with an autographed photo of Barry Gibb, the guys busted into several bars of The Barry Gibb Talk Show, substituting 'Jimmy Fallon' for 'Barry Gibb.'
After that, JT busted out something I didn't even know he could do - a wicked John Mayer impression. Seriously, his impression of Mayer singing that douche jam 'Daughters' was fucking brilliant. Somehow it made me want to punch John Mayer in his dough face even more than I already do. Comical AND effective!
J-Timberlake also whipped out a Michael McDonald impression and that shit was spot fucking on.
Question; Could I love Justin Timberlake any more?
Answer; No
Copy and paste this shit below for JT's appearance. Keep in mind NBC is like the fucking Gestapo so that shit might be pulled by the time your lazy ass gets around to it;
Jimmy's nerves could have been getting the better of him last night but he's got a ways to go. His former Weekend Update cohost and my lady love, Tina Fey is on tonight.
I think they should take the show away from Jimmy and give it to JT.
I love me some JT, but don't fucking front on the Mayer UNTIL you've seen that shit in concert. One of the truest stories I've ever fucking told. I was a non believer myself until I got schooled at one of his concerts. Word.
Watching him play guitar is like an orgasm for your eyeballs. Crazy facial expressions and all. I would even go as far as to say I'm 'Over the Moon" about it.
I have converted many. True fucking story!
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