I would sell my family, one of my kidneys as well as what little is left of my soul for one hot night with Caleb. Caleb Followill is walking sex. And it has very little to do with his appearance (he's a hot as fuck NOW, but it wasn't always this way, he used to sport a middle part and at one point, mini manbangs, yes mini manbangs) No, Caleb's sex appeal has everything to do with that voice of his. He's got the horniest voice ever. It's an aphrodisiac, a soundtrack for sex. Hearing Caleb sing the phone book would be enough to send me over the edge. Shit, I'm an atheist (or realist as I like to call it) but if Caleb read me the bible, I'm pretty sure I'd be a believer, at the very least I'd be calling out the name of God over and over again. I know I'm not alone in this, my friend Bev knows exactly what I'm talking as we have discussed this over red wine.

Kings of Leon have released four full-length albums which should really just be called Songs For Sexin' Volumes 1 - 4. If you're unfamiliar with KOL and you're looking for a sex playlist (and I'm not talking love-making slow jamz, I'm talking hot, dirty sex) download the songs below;
On Call
I Want You
Red Morning Light
Taper Jean Girl
Slow Night, So Long
My Party
Holy Roller Novocaine
Knocked Up
and of course....
Sex on Fire
Click on the links below for some behind-the-scenes Sex on Fire action.
Below are photos of Caleb from days of yore. With that voice of his, I'd still hit that shit, middle part, mini manbangs and all.

Ummmm...okay just as you're not feeling the Mayer, I'm not feeling this, or this band. Just saying. Every couple has to fight about something. Even Stan and Eminem had their flaws.
perhaps this band is more effective on women who can count on one hand the number of times they've had sex this year (or, if you're me, one finger).
Please withhold your final judgement until you've seen this
Don't forget, ignore the hair... we know.
hahaha...okay I will go and illegally download the CD and give a whirl for you Beverly. I'm in the one hand category myself, I shouldn't be so quick to judge!
But Dirty Blonde must know that however big a douche the Mayer is in real life, he will rock your socks off in concert. As I have said before and will say again, watching/listening to him play guitar is like a orgasm for the eyes and ears. I promise.
Immediately go and download Gravity from his live album Where The Light Is. In fact listen to the whole thing or watch the DVD. TRUST ME!!!1!
One more thing...I really don't care that the Mayer spews douche all day long, I would still hit it. Big time. Bitches don't keep going back for no reason...
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