First up; Jason Bateman. All rough and tumble in a beard;

"Where’s Dirty Blonde?” “Oh, she’s just sharing a romantic horseback ride with Michael Bluth, and they’re dipping each other in...”Oh, you didn’t get any body chocolate?
Andy Samberg all dressed up. Is he headed to the Space Olympics?

"You're the best in the world....brace yourself cause there's no gravity. You're in the motherfucking Space Olympics!"
I'm not what you'd call an overly domestic woman but Paul Rudd's smile makes me want to bake cookies. Lots and lots of cookies. Then I'd put the cookies in decorative baskets adorned with a big red bow and jauntily skip through the neighbourhood in my 1950s-style poodle hoop skirt with chrinolin and I'd pass around cookies to my neighbours before coming home where Paul is waiting on our porch with a cool glass of lemonade.

The photo agency caption for this photo was clearly mistaken as it said "Paul Rudd and wife"

Look at this face! I gotta go, I've got cookies to bake!

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