This is quite the ensemble MickRo is sporting here. Grey sweatsuit, trucker hat, metallic silver shoes, turquoise gloves, iridescent jacket, all accessorized with about 17 scarves. What's missing from this scene? A shopping cart. Mick looks like that homeless old lady who smells of cat urine who accosts you outside of Starbucks asking for change. When you say you can't spare any, she calls you a whore and makes you feel guilty for having just dropped $5 on a Triple Grande, Half-Sweet, Non-Fat, No-Foam, Extra-Hot Hazlenut Latte. I actually prefer that to when the homeless people politely say "Okay, thanks anyway then, have a good night." I always feel like such an asshole when they're nice. At least tell me that Jesus Christ will smite me!
Anyway, back on topic. This picture is just what I needed today. I was starting to get the shakes and cold chills from my Mickey Rourke withdrawal.
This is some What Not To Wear shit!
For two seconds there I thought it was Bette Midler.
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