S'up bitches! For the three, possibly four of you lovely sluts who read this, I won't be posting for several days because my ass is headed to Vancouver to hang out with some fabulous bitches and eat so much sushi, I be puttin' Jeremy Piven to shame, yo. If posting doesn't resume on Tuesday or Wednesday, it's because I've died of alcohol poisoning, have been arrested or am working East Hastings, or maybe all three. Have a great weekend you whores and see The Hangover. I am. Again. Also, the chances of me having an actual hangover at some point this weekend are somewhere in between sure as shit and guaran-ass-teed.
Thanks for the warning! The only good news about your hiatus and trip to Vancouver is knowing I'll be under you at some point in the next few days. This will probably be the closest I will actually get to being under you - I'll definitely savour the moment.
have fun! call if you need bail money! avoid police officers' bathrooms!
stayed up late to catch coop on conan...good times! and julia-louis drefus was hilarious! I want to hang out with her.
I'm gonna gut you like a fiiiish!
Is it just me, or is it getting hot in here (see comment below! yowza!)
Woman is a danger cat
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