I've been watching the shit out of old episodes of Entourage online. I love this show. Between my love of this show, Old School and The Hangover, I'm pretty sure I'm actually a 21-year-old dude inside a 31-year-old woman's body. Actually, if there was a 21-year-old dude inside this 31-year-old woman's body there would be much more of a spring in my step if you're picking up what I'm putting down. But I digress, back to Entourage. Obvie, Vince brings some eye candy but my love is all for Ari. I love the way he walks and talks on his celly. He means business! Also, Jeremy Piven - any fool who loves and eats sushi so much that he uses the overconsumption of said sushi as an excuse to back out of a play is okay in my books. My books are colourful and pop-up, y'all. So let's hug out bitch and make Jeremy Piven today's Daily Male.

Oh, how I wish I were 21.
They didn't have any effing Whizzers, okay??!?!
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