Around Oscar time earlier this year I was obsessed with all things Mickey Rourke - his mangled mug confused me, his wardrobe choices intrigued me, his hair frightened me, his devotion to his dogs melted the ice block in my chest that was once my heart. When his beloved Loki died, I felt MickRo's pain and salty liquid fell from my eyes (
these are 'tears' I'm told) When Mickey's tragedy was compounded just days later by losing the Oscar to Sean Penn, I too felt the pang of injustice, striking me in my chest like a Bon Jovi-style shot through the heart. I wanted to protest, to take to the streets, to start some kind of letter-writing campaign, perhaps a 1960's-style sit-in? But then, like most of my obsessions, I got over it and moved on. Until now...
Above is the first shot of MickRo from the set of Iron Man 2. Look how glorious he looks! The Mickster plays Whiplash, an adversary of Tony Stark, played of course by the getting hotter with age hotness that is Robert Downey Jr. Iron Man 2 opens May 7th 2010. RDJ and Mickey Rourke in one film? It may prove to be too much.
1 comment:
I assumed initially that this was just the outfit Mickey wore to the local drag races he attends
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