Here's Bradley Cooper and Heather Graham at The Hangover premiere in London earlier today. Anyone else getting a 'they've totally banged' vibe from them like I am? Of course this means Heather Graham is now public enemy number one, my arch nemesis. Nah, I ain't mad at her, I wouldn't blame her for Hangin' With Mr. Cooper. Naked. If I had access to the Coop, he'd be the Rihanna to my Chris Brown which is to say I'd hit that. Hard. If the Coop was in my circle, a restraining order would have to be filed at some point and even that would not deter me because we all know a restraining order is just another way of saying 'I love you,' right?
As predicted, The Hangover was the number one movie in North America this past weekend and plans are in the works for a sequel. I saw it for the second time and laughed just as much as the first, particularly when Ed Helms vomits right at the breakfast table and then nearly spews again after the mere mention of Jagermeister. Since just hours previously I had a vodka vomit in a Shell station, I empathized. Also, anyone else officially in platonic, non-sexual love with Zach Galifianakis? I totally want him to add me to his wolf pack. Together we'll roam Vegas looking for strippers and cocaine. I just hope he doesn't put any roofies or floories or groundies or rapies in my drink!
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