If you're like me, not a day goes by where you don't ask yourself "whatever happened to Blossom?" Well friends, we are finally getting the answer we so desperately longed for all those dark, lonely nights! Mayim Bialik will appear Friday in the season premiere of What Not To Wear. Seems in addition to earning a PhD in neuroscience and becoming a mother of two, Miss Mayim has become somewhat of a fashion victim since bidding farewell to her floppy hats enthusiast character. In my opinionation, Stacy and Clinton need to outfit Mayim with this amazing ensemble from yesteryear...

If that glorious photograph wasn't enough to quench your insatiable thirst for Blossom, click below for the show's intro. I'm not gonna lie, a few months ago some friends and I danced to this gem and by '
danced to' I mean '
re-enacted' and you know what? The sun surely did shine;
1 comment:
Seriously dude, how awesome was Blossom?!! I loved that show. Also, if you watched the What Not To Wear, hoe good did Six look?
*sigh* the old days when teens were actually teens and not slut bag ho's like today. That kind of sluttiness needs to be saved for your late 20's onward
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