Do yourselves a favour, see The Hangover when that shit opens on June 5th. I saw a preview last night and I cannot remember when I've laughed so hard and so consistently throughout a movie. I went in with high expectations which were not only met, they were exceeded. Every couple minutes I was busting a gut. At one point I seriously feared I was going to choke on the popcorn I smuggled in my oversized handbag. The Hangover is directed by Todd Phillips who was also the director of Old School. If you liked Old School, you'll love The Hangover, especially if you've ever had a wild weekend in Vegas full of drunken debauchery. I'd even venture to say I liked The Hangover more than Old School which, if you knew how close I hold Old School to my cold, black heart, you'd know that's saying something. I shit you not, see this movie.
Sidebar: Bradley Cooper was at last night's screening doing a quick Q&A before the movie started. The Coops is just as hot in person as he is on screen. Dude rocks a wicked head of hair and is damn fiiiine. He's been slowly building his career playing sidekicks, second fiddles and supporting characters but mark my words - after The Hangover, Bradley Cooper is going to break big time. The Hangover is going to do well, it's the perfect summer time laugh extravaganza and if it doesn't have a huge opening weekend, it will get bigger through positive world of mouth. If you check it out, make sure to watch the credits, there's a major payoff involving a digital camera and it is fucking hilarious.
Since you have to wait for June 5th to see The Hangover, click below and drink up this funny Funny or Die skit with Hangover costar, comedian Zach Galifianakis interviewing Bradley Cooper - Between Two Ferns.
is carrot-top just cool with being hollywood's cruelest joke?
Thank Rudd you're back! I haven't gone through this kind of withdrawal since trying to give up alcohol on weekdays. Don't go away ever again!
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