Here is Paris Hilton wandering the streets of Park City, Utah during the Sundance Film Festival. Cause you know the star of such critically-acclaimed masterpieces and arthouse classics as The Hottie and The Nottie and Repo! The Genetic Opera truly belongs at such an event. (I knew the titles of these movies without having to look it up, someone please come over to my house with a gun and end this for me)
Paris, in the throws of another uncomfortable herpes flare up, was obviously reaching for her bottle of Valtrex when she knocked over a bottle (or 12) of Pepto Bismal and it spilled all over her outfit. That's the only way to explain this hot pink mess of an ensemble. Bitch is going to be 28-years-old next month and she's dressed like that eight-year-old girl in your class who used to sniff the coloured markers and eat glue. This woman will not age well. Mark my words. Don't believe me? Look up a recent picture of Pam Anderson. These whores are cut from the same cloth.
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