"Inspired by the very homeless, the vagrants, the crackwhores that make this city so unique."
Methinks Joaquin Phoenix has watched Zoolander recently and taken that shit to heart. This is Joaquin last night at some club in Las Vegas looking more like a bum you'd find on a street corner yelling about Jesus than an Oscar-nominated actor.

"I am the vile spew of the wretched masses. I am very, very dirty. I am.....DERELICTE!"
Joaquin announced late last year that he is finished with acting and instead going to focus on a career in music. This didn't sound too batshit crazy at first, after all he did do all his own singing in Walk the Line. However, when Joaquin elaborated on the plan, explaining he was going to pursue a rap career. Well that, coupled with his disheveled and cracked out appearance as of late helped turned the crazy up to 11.

One of my Boston crushes, Casey Affleck was there last night as well. Casey and Joaquin are good friends, family in fact, Casey is married to Joaquin's sister. Casey is filming this insane downward spiral apparently for a documentary he plans to produce on his brother-in-law's foray into the rap world. I have mad love for Casey and he seems like a pretty normal dude so I can't believe he's not only standing by and watching these shenanigans but also encouraging them! I mean, even Stevie Wonder could see that Joaquin has lost his fucking mind. I am hoping that Casey is really filming this craziness to use as evidence later during an A&E-style intervention hosted by the Phoenix/Affleck familes (Phoenfleck? Affnix?) Casey can refer to the footage he collected while begging Joaquin to get his raggedy ass to rehab STAT! Casey isn't the only one documenting this ridiculousness, look at the others taking pictures of MC Derelicte as he's workin' the mic. You know they're all thinking they need to snap these photos so they can sell them later when Joaquin "Heath Ledgers it" outta here.

If Joaquin doesn't get his shit under control methinks he and his brother River are going to to be reunited sooner rather than later. Sad, because though I can't speak to his rap skillz, he is a very talented actor.
To bleach out your eyes from the hot homeless mess that is now Joaquin Phoenix, here's a shot of him in cleaner, hotter, saner and likely more sober times.

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