An appeals court in Washington state has ruled that it is not illegal for teachers to have sex with their students as long as the student is 18 years old. The decision stems from a case involving a 33-year-old Seattle teacher who was charged with first-degree sexual misconduct for allegedly nailing a student in 2006. The teacher argued that because the student was 18 when sexytimes happened, that she was not a minor and it was not illegal.
Okay, perhaps it wasn't illegal but it certainly was ten shades of gross. What kind of douchebag teacher nails a student? How fucking lame do you have to be that you can't find a chick your own age to bang and you have to use your classroom as a dating service? Yes, the girl was 18 and likely fully aware of what she was doing, it's not like he was preying on a 14-year-old girl but still, oh, so vomitous.
When I was in school, I knew nothing about my teachers. In my mind, their sole purpose in life was to show up every day and teach my ass. That's it. I knew nothing about their personal lives, as far as I was concerned, they didn't have them. Don't get me wrong, I had some great teachers who were inspirational, encouraging and made their mark in my life but we never even crossed the line into friendship, nevermind fuck buddies. (I'm talking junior high/high school here, we did go out for drinks with a couple of our teachers in college and even that was kinda weird to be honest)
And I think that's how it should be. Since facebook took over our lives I'm noticing something weird and disturbing; teachers who are facebook friends with their students. Not only that but I've seen teachers post photos of themselves drunk, or in bikinis with high school students commenting on the bikini-clad teacher with phrases like "Omigod, you're so hot." Am I on crazy pills or is this not totally inappropriate? I'm not saying teachers can't go out and get drunk and frolic in bikinis, hell I know there are some drunk pics on my page, but I'm not a teacher. Why do you want your students seeing this shit? One of my best girlfriends is a high school teacher and not only would she not entertain the idea of becoming facebook friends with her students, once they discovered her profile, she up and quit that shit immediately. Why would you even want to be facebook friends with your students in the first place? Don't you have enough real friends your own age? Why do you need the validation of some easily impressed 17-year-old telling you how awesome you are?
Call me Judge Judy but I think that shit is fucked.
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