Jessica Simpson's career is in the shitter right now and she's been reduced to playing county fairs in every butt fuck nowhere city in the United States. Either this outfit is
the most unflattering atrocity to ever touch anyone's skin or J-Simp has been indulging in all the cotton candy, candy apples and corn dogs at her gigs. Jess is not a huge girl so I think it's the former. These are some serious Bad Idea Jeans.

Dear Jessica Simpson,
Burn this outfit. Now. Burn it, then piss on it like John Mayer allegedly used to piss on you, then bury this shit six feet under and never speak of it again.
According to Jessica is “showing off new curves” which I think is a nice way of saying she got chunky! You can see her arms and belly are chubbier than they used to be, but that’s no excuse for wearing MOM JEANS!
Jessie needed to burn in a firey hell for using the words "Future Baby Daddy" and now this?
I'm not even sure why or how that tool of a boyfriend of hers is still around, cause I wouldn't be hitting this shit if I were him. Well maybe from the back, cause the memaw crotch on these jeans are scaring me!
It looks like she has a FUPA, and you don't want me to write what that stands for.
Those jeans are a crime against humanity. Why does Jess-Jess getting fat make me so happy?
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