Vanessa: You know, this charade has grown tiresome.
Zac: Just smile and gaze lovingly into my eyes. Our Disney contract specifically states you must lovingly gaze into my eyes at least four times during each public appearance. It's clause six amendment seven of the contract, don't make me pull it out and show you.
Vanessa: Oh honey, if you actually did pull it out every once in a while I'd be a lot happier pretending to be your girlfriend. Sigh.
Zac: Jesus Christ Vanessa give it a rest, Katie Holmes has been doing this for almost three years you don't hear her complaining.
Vanessa: You don't hear much from Katie Holmes the woman is a robot. There's no way I will...Wait a second, what's that I feel against my thigh. Zac? Hmmm....Hold on, Robert Pattinson just walked in, didn't he? Sigh.
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