It's official.
A Gossip Girl spinoff is in the works! Unfortunately it will not be a one-man show entitled 'I'm Chuck Bass' starring the sex beast that is Ed Westwick. Nope, the spinoff will be a prequel of sorts, it will be set, not in the Upper East Side of New York, but in LA in the 80s and will follow a younger Lily van der Woodsen as she hooked up with a younger Rufus Humphrey.

You still awake? Me neither.
I'll probably check this shit out in the beginning, mostly in hopes of hearing a sweet ass 80s soundtrack and for the chance to make fun of the atrocity that was 80s fashions, but I doubt this show will hook me for the long haul. Because, to be perfectly honest, I've started to realize something about Gossip Girl, the show on which I currently have an Amy Winehouse-style, crack-like addiction; it's not very good. Yes I realized it was pretty ridic when I first tuned in but the ridiculousness is reaching new and more ridiculous levels of ridiculousness as of late. I could overlook the fact that these 17-year-old kids were strolling into nightclubs and bars, swilling martinis all over town and generally acting like 30-year-old high school students but this week, when a freaking 17-year-old kid was given the majority and controlling shares in a multi bazillion dollar company? Well shit, I nearly quit this bitch of a show.
However, quitting Gossip Girl appears impossible for this hardcore addict for one reason; The ridiculously overdressed, whore-banging, coke-snorting, over-the-top completely unbelievable and unrealistic smarmy piece of smarm that is Chuck Bass.

Like the mafia, he keeps pulling me back in! Shit, just as I was contemplating taking a GG break following that last episode, as if he sensed my potential liberation, Ed Westwick magically appeared on my TV being interviewed by that dinosaur Barbara Walters and he sucked me back in with that real-life British accent of his. Accents are my Kryptonite. Chuck Bass and an accent? I'm fucked. Because as long as I still want to tap that Bass, and indeed I still do, this addict will keep tuning in for another hit.
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