Last night the SAG awards paid tribute to people like Sidney Pollack, Charlton Heston (guess his hands finally gave up those guns) Bernie Mac and the old school hotness that was Paul Newman, all who peaced outta here in 2008. But at my place, the applause was loudest for this feisty bitch;

I love the Golden Girls, like loooove the Golden Girls. I watched it faithfully as a young girl and then again in my early 20s when I worked a horrible split shift at my first TV job and had a several hours in the middle of the day between the shifts. Golden Girls was on channel 49 every day as I'd be getting ready to drag my underpaid ass back to work. I realized then that I probably didn't 'get' a lot of the humour as a young girl as much of it was sexual.
My favourite of all the Golden Girls was easily the sarcastic and feisty spitfire that was Sophia Petrillo. Her quick wit, the way she'd cut down Dorothy for having no social life, Rose for being dumb as a sack of hammers and Blanche for being a skank was legendary. I want to spend my 50s and 60s living my life like Lucille Bluth from Arrested Development but the second I turn 80, I am going to be totally rocking this shit Sophia-style.
Peace out Sophia, at least your ass isn't in Shady Pines!
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