Reese Witherspoon at the People's Choice Awards.
I love Reese Witherspoon, so much so that I actually want to BE Reese Witherspoon. There are many reasons to love her, on a superficial level she's totes adorable and she's banging Jake Gyllenhaal. But she's also lovable because she keeps her nose clean, head down and does her job. She was quite young when she started acting but instead of getting cranked out of her head, falling out of nightclubs, and flashing her snatch at the world, she kept it classy and kept working. Not everyone likes her and I respect that (although if you don't like her you need to check out Election) but you can't deny she's got her shit together. She's not a dumbass. And this is why Reese has an Oscar on her mantle and nine projects lined up from now until 2011 while Lindsay Blohan's only gig is turning up at nightclubs to watch her girlfriend spin records.