One of the many sucky aspects of a breakup, particularly if you're married, is the dividing of your shit. Determining who gets what can turn nasty and petty and bring out the worst in people. My ex and I managed to handle this quite well. We sold our house but I got most of the good stuff in it. This seemed fair because he earned a significantly larger salary than me to which he could put towards the purchasing of new houseware shit. Also, he was banging some nasy skank at work, so you know, the dining room set, dishes and flatware seemed like a fair trade. But while my ex and I kept things relatively civil, a couple in New York is taking the dividing of assets to a whole new and awesomely crazy level.

Dr. Richard Batista is suing his soon-to-be ex wife for the return of the kidney he donated to her back in 2001 after two previous transplants failed. Batista either wants his kidney back or 1.5 million dollars. The couple married in 1990 but Batista claims shit went south after his wife started banging her therapist post-transplant. This is obviously a very complicated situation with many complex and serious questions to be answered. Clearly the biggest one is this - if these crazies were married in 1990, what the fuck is with that dress? That vail! Those lace arms! The pouffy shoulders! It's all sooooo 80s!!! A million bucks (or one kidney) says the back of that dress features a big ass bow.
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