Thursday, June 18, 2009

My Eyes Have No Love For Courtney

I fancy myself as someone who's pretty up on all things pop culture. However, I seem to have missed the announcement that Courtney Love has been cast in the next Twilight movie. Bitch looks like a vampire sunk his teeth into her celebrity skin and sucked her right dry. Hope he likes the taste of heroin and vodka! 

C-Love announced recently she's reforming Hole. Memo to Courtney: It's been a looong ass time since the brilliance of 1994's Live Through This. And if this photo is any indication, you didn't. Live through it, that is. Bitch looks like she's about to reunite with Kurt Cobain in 3...2..
That sound you just heard was the spirit of Kurt Cobain saying 'aw shit.'

1 comment:

mrs.awesome said...

Oh, I loved her so much back then. So much... why?