I know they're lame, self-congratulatory circle jerks where overpaid douchebags essentially felate each other and pat themselves on the back for playing make believe but I'm addicted to awards shows. Addicted. The Golden Globes, The Grammys etc. are all like gateway drugs that eventually lead to the heroin of awards shows for me, The Academy Awards and last night, after months of lead up, I finally found my vein and jammed that needle right in.
I don't know if it was my hangover talking but I thought this year's Oscars were the best in a long time. I especially liked how they had five previous winners present the acting awards. It was nice seeing some of the older winners even if Goldie Hawn needs to cut her hair and put away the girls.

Hugh Jackman was a fine host. I preferred the biting humour of Jon Stewart and Chris Rock but Hugh was alright, too. He didn't make me want to puke and he looks pretty. What more can you ask for? As I predicted, he took a page from the Billy Crystal Song and Dance Approach to Hosting the Oscars book. A little too much song and dance if you ask me but still a good job overall. Did I mention he's pretty?
But as awesome as I thought this year's Oscars were, DAMN that was a long ass ceremony! The Academy Awards show is a little bit like sex in that no matter how much you're enjoying it, if it goes on for too long, you just wanna say 'can we wrap this shit up? It's late and I have to get up early for work in the morning.'
Below are some of the night's awesome and not-so-awesome moments.....
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