Oh Mickey. Why you gotta play me like this? I thought we were friends. I looked past your busted face to see the real you, the dog-dressing, from-the-bottle-swigging, shoe whore you really are and I loved you for it. I thought this was the beginning of a lifelong friendship. I saw us taking vacations together with an obscene amount of luggage and then eventually when we were old and grey, relocating to Miami where we'd live as roommates, sip mint juleps (straight from the bottle, naturally) dress up your dogs and my cats in floral prints and serenade each other 'Thank You For Being a Friend.' I had such high hopes for your Thelma to my Louise. So imagine my heartbreak when I logged onto Perez Hilton today to find this;

My Mickey at Paris Hilton's birthday party over the weekend.
I'm sorry Mickey. It was fun while it lasted but alas, we must go our seperate ways. Some things simply cannot be tolerated. I wish you well.
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