Wow. It's been a tough week for our furry little friends.
First, after 18 years of loyal companionship, Loki Rourke peaced off to heaven....

Then Travis, the chimp star of commercials for Coke and Old Navy met his maker. While Loki's crossing over was peaceful and natural, Travis aka FaceOff Chimp went down in a hail of police bullets after violently ripping the face off his mom's friend.

Now comes word that Socks Clinton, the former First Pussy has also quit this cold-hearted bitch called life.

Socks was put to sleep this morning after a battle with cancer. The former first family released a statement about Socks' passing and legacy;
"Socks brought much happiness to Chelsea and us over the years, and enjoyment to kids and cat lovers everywhere. We're grateful for those memories."
Socks has been reunited with the former First Dog Buddy, who was tragically killed in a car accident in 2002.

When asked for comment about the recent celebrity pet passings, Tinkerbell Hilton said "Why, oh why can't it be me? Somebody please put me out of my misery!! I'd do it myself if I only had opposable thumbs! Someone end this please!"

Socks Clinton
*This post is dedicated to Susan who lost her kitty Thomas this week.
RIP Thomas T.
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