I'm officially adding FaceOff Chimp to my current list of obsessions alongside my former BFF Mickey Rourke, OctoMommy and Joaquin 'MC Hobo' Phoenix. Seriously this FaceOff Chimp shit gets more cray cray by the day. FaceOff Chimp of course is the chimp who went all 'Seigfried and Roy's Tiger' all over some poor woman and ripped off her face. Shudder
Obviously a 200-pound chimp is not the most traditional of house pets but that is the most sane part of the story. FaceOff Chimp's owner, or his 'mom' as she refers to herself, Sandra Herold spoke to the media about her ChimpSon and well, you be the judge.

ChimpMom is all torn up about police having to shoot and kill her ChimpSon. I mean, not as torn up as the face of her friend but pretty torn up nonetheless. She tells CBS "I'm, like, hollow now, he slept with me every night. He combed my hair. Everything in the house is for him."
And if the image of this woman sleeping with a chimp every night wasn't disturbing enough, she goes on to say "Until you've eaten with a chimp and bathed with a chimp, you don't know a chimp,"
Well I'll guess I'll never know a chimp. And I think I'm pretty cool with that cause I mos def ain't bathin' with no chimp. Seriously lady, even Michael Jackson is like 'Bitch! You crazy!'

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