I'm gonna tap into my inner Christian Bale and ask 'What the fuck is with this fucking eye makeup on fucking Bono?' If this is what's been under those sunglasses all these years, he best put those bitches right back the fuck on!
Listen, Paul, darling. You and I go back like what, 18 years? My love for you runs deep. You're the longest relationship I've ever had with a man. I've stood by you through thick and thin, through Zooropa and Pop, I defended your ass. I even looked the other way when pictures surfaced last year of you and two teenaged skanks cavorting in France. No, I don't like your new song but we can get past that because I do love you, I really do. So it's from a place of love that I say this; WASH THAT SHIT OFF YOUR EYES CAUSE YOU'RE TOO FUCKING OLD FOR THIS SHIT!
Tara, Robyn, I want an explanation for this and I want it right fucking now!
I'm not going near this one, I'm going to let Tara take the reins. However, I can say that she might Chris Brown you with an Umbrella, ella, ella if you don't get your shit together pretty soon. Haha...
Ok, here's the deal....yes, I too was a bit shocked and chagrined at this when I first saw the photo shoot from Q magazine about a month ago. Briefly I was like, "WHAAAAAAA?????" However, I knew my darling Bono MUST have had an explanation and obviously I was waiting on fucking pins & needles for it. Bono...and Manliner? This can't be!!1! Then it happened...I saw the Lord himself say to me through the computer monitor, "We're going back. You're going to feel a bit of October....a bit of Achtung....a bit Zooropa with some new twists. Some new characters...." or something to that effect. Then, brother Edge followed up with saying that Bono has been experimenting...The Fly & Macphisto were such bad asses....trying out a new bad ass alter ego...a little Clockwork Orange....da du da da da daaaa blah blah blah. It's a FUCKING CHARACTER woman! Research the info before going all CHRIS BROWN our God! Now quit your bullshitting and fucking around and go listen to the title track NO LINE ON THE HORIZON...I had it on repeat for an hour on the way home. Oh ya, and I have the rest of the 'leaked' muthafucka too.... WOOT!!!
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