My boyfriend, the self-described VOICE OF A GENERATION and Louis Vuitton Don is also featured in the GQ Most Stylish issue. I can't believe he's okay with appearing only on the inside of the mag while Justin Timberlake nabbed the cover. After all, JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE WENT ON VACATION, KANYE MADE ALBUMS!!!!! I'm shocked Kanye didn't push Justin down the stairs from behind. THIS IS SOME SHOWGIRLS SHIT!!!!!
Anyway, Kanye talks about his personal style in GQ and as always, he's full of modesty and humility. Apparently reporters at GQ are SQUID BRAINS!! and do not have CAPSLOCK on their computers? Because clearly, this requires ALL CAPS AND EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!
“At photo shoots, people are always trying to put that fucking Day-Glo suit on me: ‘Kanye West is gonna wear this Day-Glo suit.’ No, Kanye West is not! I might wear a Day-Glo pocket square. Or socks. But I’m a normal human being! Kanye West is not your hanger.’”
Dirty Blonde loves that Kanye West speaks about himself in the third person. It reminds Dirty Blonde of the Seinfeld eisode where Jimmy is new in town. Jimmy is pretty sweet on Elaine. JIMMY'S GONNA GET YOU KRAMER!! HANDS OFF JIMMY!!. DON'T TOUCH JIMMY!! LET GO OF JIMMY!!!"
Omigod! Kanye West is Jimmy! THIS IS SOME SEINFELD SHIT!!!!
Anyway, in addition to being inside the pages of GQ, Jimmy is on the cover of Details...

Unlike the cover of Vibe, Kanye isn't sporting any grey in his beard so I guess this doesn't qualify as SOME BENJAMIN BUTTON'S SHIT!!!!!!!! In the pages of Details Kanye basically talks more about why he is SOOOO DOPE!!!!!!
"I'm the fucking end-all, be-all of music. I know what I'm doing. I did 808s in three weeks. I got it. It's on cruise control. . . . Man, we talked about music for God knows how long! Now let's talk about how my fucking sweater didn't come back right from Korea. That's what's interesting me."
Every day I grow to love Kanye West more and more. Kanye makes me happy in my heart. Or at least that space in my chest where my heart is supposed to be. Kanye is helping me get over breaking up with my former best friend and SQUID BRAINS Mickey Rourke. Kanye West cannot let me down. If I see pictures of Kanye West with Paris Hilton I'm officially gonna quit this bitch. 'This bitch' meaning 'life.' Death by vodka. THIS IS SOME LEAVING LAS VEGAS SHIT!!!!
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