So you know how Joaquin Phoenix has lost his fucking mind and is dressing like a homeless person with an addiction to sniffing solvents? And you know how he's claiming to have left acting to pursue his career as a rapper, right? Rap and hip hop are all about collaborations these days so I guess MC Hobo can callabo with the mice living in his hair and beard. Some people are saying this shit is a straight up hoax and that instead of being one crack hit away from joining his brother River on the big movie set in the sky, that he's actually fucking with us. I couldn't decide if he had actually lost his shit or if he was Andy Kauffmaning our asses but after his wacked out appearance on Letterman last night, I'm crossing over to the 'bitch please, you're full of shit' side. My Boston boyfriend and Joaquin's brother-in-law, Casey Affleck has been filming this fuckery for a documentary on Joaq's foray into rap. MC Hobo appeared cranked out of his face on Letterman and I can't believe my Casey would be taking part in this if it was legit. My boyfriend is good people. I mean fuck, he's from Boston!
Of course if Joaquin ends up dead in a ditch with a needle in his arm, I'll eat these words. Until then, shenanigans!!
Watch his 'performance' here;
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