These horrifying images were taken eight days before doctors went in and cut those doomed babies out of her clown car uterus. This shit is wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to begin. In the meantime, I'm going to find my childhood blankey, retreat under the covers, curl up into the fetal position and rock back and forth for a few hours. This shit is nightmare-inducing. I will never sleep again without the help of pills and a bottle of wine. Wait, that's different how?
I apologize for springing this scary shit on your unsuspecting eyes and souls. If you ate breakfast before seeing these photos, you just vomited into your keyboard. If you haven't eaten yet, you just lost your appetite. Hey, I see a weight loss plan here! Anytime you want to stuff your face, just look at these photos and you'll lose your appetite! Or, if you just came back from an all-you-can-eat and you feel like your pants are going to explode right off your body, look at these photos and you will barf up everything you ate and everything you even thought of eating. Someone needs to call Jenny Craig, there's a new diet in here somewhere. OctoMommy's publicist (I'm still reeling that bitch has a publicist) needs to call my ass because I just thought of an endorsement deal for her scrambled eggs brains client. Maybe those 14 kids won't starve to death after all!
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