Grab your 40 and pour some of that shit on the sidewalk for little Loki today. Mickey Rourke's beloved pooch is now humping legs in the big dog kennel in the sky. Bitch is dead. Loki peaced outta here on Monday at the ripe old age of 18. THIS IS SOME MARLEY AND ME SHIT!!!

Who is Mickey going to take to the Oscars now????
Hmm....MickRo is partying with Paris Hilton on the weekend and on Monday, the love of his life is dead. The cause of death probably wasn't old age, I think canine herpes claimed Loki. Somebody get Detectives Benson and Stabler from Law & Order: SVU on the case!!!
See? This is what happens when you fraternize with Paris Hilton. I'd say I told ya so to my former best friend but Mickey is down and out in Beverly Hills right now and I can't rub his busted face in it, it would be 'UnSouthern' of me. Mickey needs time to mourn. Maybe this tragedy is what was needed to bring us back together? Maybe we will settle in Miami after all? So many unanswered questions right now. In the meantime, a moment of silence for lil Loki....

Loki Rourke.
1991 - 2009
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