I say this with all due respect to Madonna and the admiration of her that comes with any 80s child, but you know how her arms are the stuff of terrifying nightmares? The kind that wake you in the night shivering whilst also drenched in sweat? The kind that have you calling out for your mommy even though she's in another province? The kind that creep into your conscious mind and have you frightened even during daylight hours? Well friends, the recurring nightmare that are Madge's arms
might be coming to an end. Yes, something else to be thankful for this Thanksgiving weekend!

Word on the street and in the gym (
yeah, like I go there) is that Madonna has fired her personal trainer of three years Tracy Anderson. Madonna has apparently grown tired of Tracy's baggage, whatever the hell that means and apparently Tracy wants to spend more time with her son. I don't care why they're not working together anymore, just that there's a possibility we'll no longer be subjected to images like these....

Btw, below is a link to Tracy Anderson's official website, just in case you want to send her receipts in an effort to get a refund for all the Ambien you had to take in order to get a good night's sleep after seeing Madonna's zombie arms.
And just because it's Thanksgiving and I'm in a the giving spirit, I'll leave you with some images of Madonna back when she looked like she still had some estrogen coursing through her body. After all, you have a turkey to eat, you need your appetites! Let's hope Madonna has regained hers. Seriously Madge, have a cookie! They're delish!