Here's Chuck Bass all suited up at the BAFTA television awards in London over the weekend.
I have no real reason for posting this other than to say DAYUM! Chuck Bass cleans up niiiice. Why then, do I feel so very, very dirty? Not even a Silkwood shower could cleanse these thoughts.
For those of you who still don't see the Chuck Bass appeal. Check out the video below. It's peeps from Grazia magazine quizzing the Bass on his fashion knowledge. Turns out, in real life he's not quite the fashion plate as his character. Who gives a shit? That accent is some off the charts hotness right there. Click below for an audio orgasm and try to ignore the fact that whoever is taping this is apparently having a fucking seizure. Shaking, much? It's like Michael J. Fox is working the camera. I can't hate though, I'd be shaking too if I was that close to the Bass;
His Basscent is sex in my ears
Jizz. In. My. Pants.
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