Here's manbangs, or rather, boybangs enthusiast (and I probably don't just mean his hair) Zac Efron with the virginal Jonas Brothers. I'm sure a thousand tween girls and gays jizzed in their panties and manties at mere sight of this but I just don't get it. They do nothing for me. Not a single one of them. And it's not just because they're crazy young. I don't mind young. I'd hit Bristol Palin's 19-year-old baby daddy Levi Johnston pretty hard.
Young has its privileges and its benefits. I briefly enjoyed said privileges and benefits last summer until a move across the country (mine) cut our fun short. Boo hoo. Oh well, summer is coming once again and a whole new class will be graduating. THIS IS SOME THE GRADUATE SHIT!!
Anyway, these guys do nothing for my lady bits. That one Jonai (who I think might be Nick but I'm not sure and I'm proud of the fact that I'm not sure) is sporting some major 80s mom hair while Zac Efron is just way too precious for me. He looks like the kind of guy who spends an hour carefully attending to his hair, styling it in a way that makes it look like didn't spend any time on it at all. I don't like a guy with more product in his hair than me. Plus, Zac doesn't look like he's capable of a real throw down. Sometimes a girl needs a good throw down .
I don't want to make sexy times with the Zac Attack, but I would totally enjoy a slumber party with him, where we would braid our hair, paint our nails and tell secrets about boys.
And I would stare at him a lot and giggle, because I do think he's gorgeous, it's almost unfair for people to be that pretty.
That little boy needs a spanking....
And I don't usually like them pretty.
I need to be stopped.
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