I love Ben Affleck. I want to hang out with Ben Affleck. In Boston. He seems laid back and like he'd be super cool to grab a beer with and hit up a Red Sox game. That said, I realize he's made some truly awful films over the years. Pearl Harbor, Reindeer Games, Surviving Christmas, Gigli, the list reads like a who's who of cinematic abortions. But as heinous as those films were, and they were indeed, heinous, nothing, NOTHING compares to the atrocity that was the Jenny From The Block video. Seeing JLo parade Ben around like some play toy was cringeworthy. It was like watching a man have his testicles removed right in front of my eyes. Ben and I had to go on somewhat of a break during his JLo phase, it was just too tragic to watch. Being married to Jennifer Garner is probably about as exciting as watching paint dry (egg shell white of course, to keep it extra boring) but I'll take that shit any day over the monstrosity that is JLo and her mammoth and utterly misplaced ego. I'm so glad Ben finally found his balls at the bottom of her purse.
Ben Affleck's new film, State of Play, opens tomorrow. It costars phone thrower Russell Crowe, Canadian cutie Rachel McAdams and the amazing Helen Mirren and it looks like it has the potential to not suck a big bag of donkey balls. So for that, and because he's from Boston and because the long time friendship of Ben and Matt Damon remains one of my favourite bromances of all time, Ben Affleck is today's Daily Male.

Click below to hop into the DeLorean and travel back in time to a truly adorable moment in Oscar history. Ben and Matt winning for Good Will Hunting;
Click here for the ridiculous and star-studded I'm Fucking Ben Affleck;
And if you're a real masochist, click here for Jenny From The Block. Still after all these years, I cringe;
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