When my dear friend Scotty recently sent me the trailer for a movie called The Hangover, my first thought was to lawyer the fuck up because clearly, someone had made a film about my life story without first obtaining the proper rights. I've had some legendary hangovers in my day. Epic. The fact that I still drink is a testament to either my tenacity or my extreme, almost dangerous levels of stupidity. A mix of both I'd say.
A particularly epic hangover came after a night of karaoke a few years ago in Calgary. That night I was convinced the bartender was trying to pull a fast one on my ass by not actually putting any vodka in my vodka sodas. I drank and drank and drank but felt nothing. Until the next morning. I felt something, alright. NEVER have I had a headache so raging, at one point I think I even lost my sense of sight. Given the choice between a) suffering from that pain along with the 12-hour long vomit extravaganza that ripped apart my insides, robbing my battered body of every last ounce of bile, and b) a swift death, I would have picked the sweet relief of death. Without hesitation. To make matters worse, I was leaving the next day for the Schindler's List 10th anniversary event in LA and because I had not seen the film since it was in theatres (not really one of those feel good movies you watch over and over again, is it?) I knew I had to watch it before I left. So for three hours of my painful odyssey of self-destruction, I had to watch that happy movie. I know this makes me a total asshole but I'd be lying if I didn't admit to feeling jealousy at some points during those three hours. That is just how badly I wanted to be dead. I would have greeted Amon Goeth with a hug and said "what took your Nazi ass so long?"
Anyway, I could fill an entire book with my hangover horror stories but instead, click below to watch the trailer for The Hangover. It's directed by Todd Philips who also made one of my favourite and most quotable movies, Old School. Seriously, click on this shit below, it looks SOOOO funny.
Did I lose a tooth?
Whose baby is that?
You were in the hospital last night!
I didn't know they gave out rings at the Holocaust!
Mike Tyson air drumming. But dude, that IS fo sho the BEST part of In the Air Tonight. It ALWAYS makes me wish I was a drummer.
When did Bradley Cooper get so hawt? Delish!
The Hangover. June 5th. I'm there.
oh Vegas. How I miss you
Bradley Cooper was always hot. I'm so glad the world sees that now.
all good vegas experiences involve an animal or two.
and why do I not know who bradley cooper is! have I been that drunk the last few years?
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