Here's Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen and Judd Apatow at the Funny People premiere yesterday. I loves me some JudAp so I definitely want to see this business.
Somewhat related; I watched the latest episode of Entourage online last night (I have a ghetto cable package) and Turtle was obsessed with Knocked Up and could not stop talking about how there's no way the Katherine Heigl character would have slept with the Seth Rogen character, no matter how drunk off her ass she may have been because she was sober when she first met him and saw that he was a big fat fattie. This was of course before Seth slimmed down, he looks pretty good at present. But back to Turtle's argument, excuse me while I offer up my best 'bitch puhlease!' facial expression because if you follow Entourage you know that Turtle is currently banging Meadow fucking Soprano, not only on the show but in real fucking life. Give me a second here, I can't see my keyboard because my eyes have rolled so far back into my head.....

Okay, I'm back. As delusional as his short, fat ass may be, Turtle
does have a point. As much as I loved, loved looooooved Knocked Up, and at the risk of sounding like a real Superficial Sally, it
is pretty unbelievable that Katherine Heigl would have done naked sex times with him, right? I mean we've all done some stupid shit when we're wasted but I'd like to think there's not enough vodka in the world that would have made that possible. In the Entourage episode some people were arguing that SethRo is super funny and chicks dig the funny so maybe it was possible? Uhm...no. Here's the deal -funny is great, it can do wonders. If a dude is average in the looks department but is really witty (
and smart) he instantly becomes
sooo much more attractive. For me, a good sense of humour is non-negotiable, it's a
must have ...if I want to
date a guy. Funny don't mean jack shit in a one-night stand situation. I mean, we're not going back to my apartment to partake in a sketch comedy showcase, ya know? So I call bullshit all over that hookup.

That's not the only part of Knocked Up I call bullshit on though. Let's see....a career-oriented woman whose job is
just starting to take off, gets knocked up after a drunken one-night stand with a complete stranger who's a total stoner burnout loser with no job? If I wrote the script, the movie would have been about 20 minutes long and,
spoiler alert - would have ended with the woman walking into a clinic. I won't say it, but it rhymes with '
Roll credits.
All that said, I'm looking forward to Funny People. That shit opens July 31st. Word.