Monday, April 6, 2009

Bass Confusion

My desire to hump Chuck Bass continues to fluctuate more wildly than Oprah's weight and these recent pictures from the Gossip Girl set are not helping. Just when I think I'm over that mother chucker, along comes a photo like this to get my girly parts all tingly again....

So James Dean-y! Rebel Without a Cause. Or Pants if he was at my place.

Nevermind. He is wearing a V-neck! Ewwww.....V-necks are not acceptable attire for heterosexual males. Even on homosexual males, V-necks are to be judged on a case-by-case basis. Chuck Bass does not get a v-neck pass. Fail.

But then I see a photo like this and I am back to riding the rollercoaster at Tingle Town. Suit up!

Then just when I'm knee deep in Bass hysteria, I see this next photo and I am filled with only shame and embarrassment for loving this smarmy sonofabitch...

Seriously. Those pants? Not flattering. It gives him lady hips of the child-bearing variety. Not awesome.

And again, like motherfucking clockwork, just when I think I'm cured, this fucker slaps on this sexy slut of a suit and pulls me back in, mafia-style...

This photo below of Chuck Bass in real life, on vacay in Miami makes me go all Joan Jett and hate myself for loving him...

He is disgusting. I am disgusting. Seriously. Does that tattoo actually say Heartbreak Hotel? On second thought, don't. I feel so dirty, and not in the good way. I desperately need a Silkwood shower.

After careful examination I've come to this conclusion:
Chuck Bass is a Deceptacon Hottie.



Manties said...

HE. IS. DISGUSTING. I worry about you sometimes, I really really do.

Shenannygans said...

You are disgusting...Barf DB, Barf!!!