Monday, January 19, 2009

In the Name of Love

This is Bono and The Edge rocking out during U2's performance at the We Are One inaugural concert on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington yesterday. It makes sense Ireland's favourite sons were there, Barack Obama named City of Blinding Lights as one of his favourite songs and used the track during his campaign.

U2 is my one great love. The Justin Timberlakes and Chuck Basses of the world come and go but through living in three different cities, countless job changes, breakups and questionable hair choices, my love of U2 has been the one constant thing in my life since I was 13. I had been a mild fan of the band up until then but when they released Achtung Baby in 1991, I completely lost my shit for them and haven't been the same since. I flew my ass to Dublin in 2006 simply because it was their hometown. I needed to walk the same streets (which had no name) smell the same smells and taste the same food as the boys. Yes, I am a loser.

While in Dublin (after my friend and I somehow managed to get denied entrance to THREE DIFFERENT pubs in a row by the EXACT SAME bouncer only to discover they weren't so much three DIFFERENT pubs as it was the same pub and we were walking in circles. Perhaps we WERE too intoxicated after all??) I dragged my good friend through the freezing cold, wet streets of the city during what I believe was a mild to moderate hurricane in a friendship-testing journey simply to get a look and take a picture of Hanover Studios where U2 often records. Hours spent roaming the streets in torrential rain and wind so strong it was turning our umbrellas inside out, getting our wet feet covered in mud simply for a photo of a building. Sorry Chany.

Today is a very exciting day for U2 fans....

The band has released the first single from their upcoming album No Line on The Horizon which drops in March. The new track is called Get On Your Boots. I listened to it a few times this morning and here's the thing;

I don't really like it.

I knew this would NOT go over well with my friend Tara who is an even more rabid fan than I. Seriously, my fangirl fuckery pales in comparison to some of her shenanigans. She started texting me lyrics of this new song at 9:30 this morning. Tara lives in Vancouver so she was texting me this shit at 6:30am her time. Frightened, I confessed to Tara my concerns about Get On Your Boots. Here is the text I received back, Tara is channelling Kanye West, that is how passionate she is;

"I command you to go directly to and listen to the song as many times as possible. Do it NOW! STREET NIGGAS* CALLED AND I'M PRETTY SURE YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAID!!!"

*For the record, Tara is not racist, she is simply quoting our boyfriend, Mr. Kanye West.


prettystar said...

It will grow on you. It must before we take our journey to Ireland to meet our brother husbands.

Unknown said...

You're so Cruel.....

I am still shocked and shagrinned at the major email bitchslap you threw at me all the way from the center of the universe this morning. I was sure that if no one else would join in the new release festivities, at least you would join me in the excitement of getting our 'Sexy Boots' on and kick off what certainly is to be a fine year of planning U2 & all other kinds of Irish fuckery for the long awaited tour this summer in Europe.
Your U2itude is lacking and therefore you need an intervention. I briefly considered nay, I will not be the one to 'get your head out of the mud baby', but I have decided I adore you and therefore you are worthy of all the help I can give to get you through this tough & confusing time. I will be there to help you, but the first thing you need to do is help yourself. This is nothing 3 - 15 vodka sodas, a dangerous one night stand and a Rattle & Hum viewing cannot fix. I believe this in my heart and Baby, I Believe in you.
Come back to me.

Give me one more chance and you'll be satisfied
Give me two more chances, you won't be denied....

Bono said it, not me.