Sunday, February 8, 2009

Daily Male: Gordon Shumway aka ALF

Gordon Shumway was livin' large on planet Melmac with his bitch Rhonda until his spaceship straight up crashed into the backyard of the Tanner family who adopted him as their own and renamed his ass ALF. Lots of hilarity and shenanigans ensued particularly involving ALF and the family's cat Lucky. Seemed ALF liked to eat cats. I really want to make a cunnilingus joke here but it's Sunday night and I'm oh so tired.

This weekend some friends and I gathered around and watched several episodes of ALF. My one friend and I initially bonded over our mutual appreciation for the show, specifically the episode in which young Brian Tanner appears in a school play, The Nutritional Follies, and sings the praises of asparagus. Literally.

"Asparagus! Asparagus! Put it on your table. Asparagus! Asparagus! Will make you feel more able!"

So in honour my ALF weekend, this alien life form who loves the taste of kitty cat is today's Daily Male.

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