Monday, February 9, 2009

M-I-C-K-E-Y -B-O-O-Z-E

Mickey Rourke frightens me. He comes to me in my nightmares and threatens to drain my blood before skinning my cats alive and wearing my underwear. I'm frightened of Mickey Rourke. But when I look at this picture of his busted face with his BAFTA award in one hand while swigging booze directly from the bottle with the other, I'm not gonna lie, it kinda makes me want to be friends with him. Methinks me and Mickey might get along just fine.

1 comment:

prettystar said...

This looks similar to us on a Sunday morning in Vegas...minus the award of course. Unless they give out awards for being the most socially unacceptable person and drinking copious amounts of alcohol in one weekend. Or for sending upwards of 80 or so text messages to one person...

Me thinks I just came up with our own awards show!